#354 (bug) - Plain text email is contains <style> tag
#355 (bug) - plain text url not using correct view
#356 (bug) - plain text url not getting set for VerticalResponse
#357 (bug) - users dropdown being populated but not refelcted in results
#358 (feature) - Add convenience link to get directly to workspace admin
for current workspace
#334 (bug) - View Original doesn't work
#187 (bug) - Default filter setting for vetting required comments
#192 (bug) - No success message after content creation
#283 (bug) - Site manager: 'paste' dialog box is too small
#218 (bug) - New search indexes bug out in Pelorous
#323 (bug) - Bug with workflow
#207 (bug) - Snippet component image re-processing
#219 (bug) - Template/Meta-data config tab bug
#287 (bug) - Help text is not WYSIWYG - no styles applied when viewed
#359 (bug) - help text not displaying when creating a new piece of
#281 (bug) - Changing between admin/basic mode doesn't update current
#261 (bug) - Re-saving multiple content clears the summary 
#293 (feature) - Allow server order to be manually set
#362 (bug) - Caching bug when saving pages
#360 (bug) - Not purging cache when publishing changes after metadata
#364 (bug) - Google maps component not working on pages under https