#374 (new feature) - Add comments form config option to specify where
the form should be placed
#376 (bug) - Warning being thrown in Pelorous_Comment_Helper_WebContent
class line 39
#377 (new feature) - Extend search forms: add empty label for filters +
auto submit
#372 (new feature) - Add "num comments" snippet
#380 (bug) - DB sql statements relating to _publish_itemLock table are
appearing in the publish queue
#381 (bug) - vertical response api returning successful when not (linked
to ovoyo ticket#16)
#385 (bug) - db search index - mysql error when adding results ordering
#377 (new feature) - Extend search forms: add empty label for filters +
auto submit
#393 (new feature) - Add input of type "reset" to search form
#394 (new feature) - Add pre/post comments form handler

Requires following SQL update (comments module):
INSERT INTO  `config`
     VALUES ('comments','form.position','below','Form position, below or
above the comments','below,above','1');

ALTER TABLE  `comments_placeholder` ADD  `label` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL
DEFAULT  'Comments' AFTER  `allowAnonymous`;

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `cms_contentNumComments`;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `cms_contentNumComments` (
  `contentId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `snippetComponentId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `contentSnippetId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `templateSnippetId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`contentId`,`snippetComponentId`,`contentSnippetId`),
  KEY `contentId_idx` (`contentId`),
  KEY `contentSnippetId_idx` (`contentSnippetId`),
  KEY `templateSnippetId` (`templateSnippetId`)

Requires following SQL update (cms module):
ALTER TABLE cms_snippetComponent
 CHANGE `type` `type` enum('text','text medium','text large','html
editor small','html editor large','ref
data','date','email','link','flag','image','file','custom code',
'author', 'number', 'tags','google map','search result', 'twitter feed',
'related content', 'related product', 'prev next links','ratings','num
comments') NOT NULL default 'text';

Requires following SQL update (site_manager module):
UPDATE `config` SET
`value`='http://cdn.pelorous.com/js/1.x.x/Pelorous.1.0.1.min.js' WHERE
`module`='site_manager' AND `name`='pelorousJs.path';