* #3 (bug) - Reindexing via elastic search now indexes respective to the server (including cron reindexing)
* #5 (bug) - When adding a message to the queue for a cronjob for search indexes, it now grabs what to search & return respective to the server
* #8 (new feature) - Allow users to subscribe to forum's topics

Requires following SQL update (forums module):

<pre><code>DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `forums_subscription`;
CREATE TABLE `forums_subscription` (
  `topicId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `userId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`topicId`,`userId`)

('forums', 'allowSubscriptions', '0', 'Allow users to subscribe to topics in order to receive emails upon new comments.', NULL, 1);</code></pre>